Friday, March 2, 2012

First Epic Den!!!

Hey Jammers!
I'll be showing you the first epic den I've seen!
and this den is not on the "Epic Dens" list on Animal Jam 
and I can prove it!
see look!
First Page...
 Second Page...
And now for the den that is epic!
Okay the owner is...
and now for her den!
The Front outside...
It's cool!
Bottom floor inside...
This is also cool!
Top Floor...
Also very cool!
Tippy Top...
Now this is EPIC!
It's my favorite part!
Great Job
P.S I love your den!!!

I'll be looking for more dens some more!

Bye Jammers!!!

Starting up!

Hey Jammers!
I'm not technically concerted "New"
Because I have a blog called Animal Jam World of Adventure!
and another one called 
And all if you don't know me I'm 
Suppergirl28 and here's a picture of me!
Oh and just to be helpful I'm gonna tell you what I use to make my blog happen!
Well at first I used to use "Paint"
It's good for drawing!
and since I don't usually I use...
It has been very helpful for me and now you get to use it just download!
Simple Just like that!
But I will be doing the first epic den soon!
Well next!

Bye Jammers!

Coming soon:
First Epic den!!!